Elks Training Course #6 - 2018-2019

Last Name
First Name
Your Lodge
Elks Membership Number
You can find your Membership number on your Membership Card. Your Membership number is NOT your Lodge number.
Your Status in your Lodge
1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all proceedings, unless contravened by the constitution or Laws of the Order, or by the By-Laws of a Lodge.  HINT
2. The District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler may grant permission to a Lodge to hold the Elks Memorial Day services any Sunday in December.  HINT
3. When a member is expelled from the Order, his membership card shall be confiscated by the Secretary of the Lodge. Pro-rated dues shall be remitted to the expelled member.   HINT
4. “Conduct unbecoming an Elk” shall include personal conduct likely to bring reproach upon the Order and every willful violation of House or Club rules.   HINT
5. The Lodge has the right to discharge a statutory committee appointed by the Exalted Ruler.  HINT
6. When proposal is made for expenditure in excess of the adopted budget, the proposal shall be promptly referred to the Board of Trustees for consideration and written recommendation at the next regular Lodge meeting. The proposal may be adopted by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting.   HINT
7. The Lodge is the Supreme power and the Trustees its Agents.  HINT
8. Whenever an Elective Office shall become vacant, or no person is nominated, the Exalted Ruler shall order an election to fill the unexpired term at the next regular meeting.   HINT
9. The Auditing Committee is responsible to the Board of Trustees and is to report to them.  HINT
10. Unless an application is withdrawn, it must be voted upon even though there is an unfavorable Investigation report.   HINT
11. A Lodge shall not act upon application from a member who resides outside its jurisdiction unless the person holds a Transfer Dimmit.   HINT
12. Questions arising on Points of Order in Lodges shall, in the first instance, be decided by the Exalted Ruler. Any member shall have the right of appeal to the Lodge. A majority vote is required to overrule the decision of the Exalted Ruler.   HINT
13. Memorial services for our “Absent Members” may be held on any Sunday during the month of December.   HINT
14. Programs to enhance the image of Elkdom with 13 suggestions are found in the Lodge Activities Manual.   HINT
15. A stray Elk is a dropped member of another Lodge who resides within the jurisdiction of your Lodge.  HINT
16. Lodges are encouraged to distribute overhead costs to each entity or major activity in order to obtain a truer and more meaningful Cost of Operation for each.   HINT
17. It is inappropriate for a fund-raising committee Chairman to report results of the event to the Lodge at a regular meeting.   HINT
18. If possible, the Exalted Ruler should preside at all Lodge banquets for visiting Officials; however, another can serve as Master of Ceremonies.   HINT
19. It is correct to rise and give the hailing sign when addressing the Exalted Ruler from the sideline during a Lodge session.   HINT
20. The last meeting in February is designated as Past Exalted Ruler’s night.  HINT